
RT212 – OCR-B / Barcode Scanner Engine

The RT212 PDF417 & OCR-B Reader Module is a 2D OEM barcode reader module designed to read large PDF417 codes and OCR-B MRZ codes from ID cards, driver’s licenses, and passports. This module features a high-resolution 1280*800 CMOS sensor, providing automatic reading and command trigger capabilities, and is suitable for both long barcodes and ultra-small codes.

Connection Options:

  • TTL-232
  • USB EVK kit (optional)
  • RS232 EVK kit (optional)


  • Reads OCR-B MRZ and large PDF417 codes from IDs and passports
  • Automatic reading and command trigger
  • High-resolution 1280*800 CMOS sensor


  • Super fast barcode reading
  • Compatible with Windows, Linux, Android, and Raspberry Pi
  • Ideal for applications in POS systems, lockers, handheld devices, and self-service terminals


  • CE, FCC, RoHS

Performance: The RT212 excels at reading long and large 1D barcodes and PDF417 barcodes, particularly from ID documents and passports. It integrates a camera and decoder board into a single unit with a UART TTL interface, making it easy to integrate into handheld terminals, ATMs, POS systems, and other terminals.

This module is optimized for reading OCR-B MRZ data from ICAO 9303 compliant ID documents and passports. It is capable of reading large, high-density PDF417 codes from ID cards and driver’s licenses, such as those from Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Paraguay, Nicaragua, and Panama. The RT212 can also read two barcodes simultaneously, such as the dual high-density QR codes on the new Mexican ID documents.

Integration: We provide a comprehensive program manual to support quick and easy integration with your terminals. For full documentation, please contact our sales team.

SDK/Software: We offer an SDK that enables extraction of information such as name, ID number, and birthday from ID documents, facilitating seamless integration into your identity management systems.

Explore related products such as the Fast-speed 2D Scanner for Self-checkout/POS Kiosk (RT860D), Ultra Thin Fixed Mount Barcode Scanner (RT242), Fixed Mount 2D Barcode Scanner (RT241), and Fast-speed 2D Scanner (RT830D) for more options.

Contact us now to learn more about the RT212 PDF417 & OCR-B Reader Module. Order a sample today!


Ask our team for:

Image Sensor1280 x 800 CMOS 
InterfaceRS232, TTL232, USB
Outline Dimensions (mm)21.5x10.2x8.6


Screenshot -- at

We provide 3D-Drawing, integration User Guide which supports your easy and quick integration work with your terminals.
Contact our sales-people to get the full documents.

Setting Codes Programming


To program/ setup the scanner module, you can just simply do it by setting codes from the User manual we provide.
We provide rich programming codes for you to do many kinds of settings / user-define.
Please ask our sales people for detailed documents.

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