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Industrial displays in vending machines

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Vending machines with displays can be found in educational institutions, office buildings, bus stations and all other public places where it is impossible or difficult to run traditional retail outlets. The vending machines will buy snacks, drinks, candy and even hygiene products. They are very easy and pleasant to use, which is greatly influenced by the displays used in such devices. What vending machine display technology works best?

Industrial Displays. How are they changing the world of vending machines?

Modern displays for vending machines introduce new opportunities to interact with users and improve the operational efficiency of these devices. Much of this is due to the intuitive-to-use touch panels. They make it easier to navigate and move “through the offerings” of the device, making product selection simpler than with older push-button vending machines. This includes payments. The device’s modern interface allows users to make digital payments in the form that suits them best. The entire buying process is smooth and without unnecessary disruption, which translates into greater customer satisfaction and higher sales.

However, that’s not all. Industrial displays in vending machines allow dynamic management of the content displayed on the screen. Vending machines can present advertisements, information about promotions, as well as interactive games and quizzes, which increases user engagement and can be an additional source of revenue for operators of such machines. High image quality and resistance to outdoor conditions make the industrial displays work reliably in a variety of environments – including outdoors.

It is worth mentioning that modern displays in vending machines also optimize the process of inventory management in the machine. With integrated monitoring systems, machine operators can keep track of product inventory, plan replenishment, and thus minimize the risk of running out of a particular commodity. Integration of industrial displays with vending machines also supports remote management functions. Operators can remotely update software, make changes to offerings, and monitor the condition of equipment, which significantly reduces operating costs and improves the availability of vending machines to customers.

Advantages of using advanced displays in vending machines

The use of advanced industrial displays in vending machines brings many benefits that affect both user satisfaction and the way the operator presents the offer. The biggest advantages of such displays are:

  • interactivity and ease of use,
  • dynamic content management,
  • high image quality,
  • High resistance to mechanical damage, moisture and adverse weather conditions,
  • The possibility of remote management of the machine,
  • The possibility of personalizing the offer,
  • The ability to quickly integrate with various cashless payment systems (card, BLIK, PayPal),
  • The ability to track and analyze data (regarding, for example, the best-selling products on offer).

A wide range of multifunctional displays for vending machines is offered by our company – Unisystem. When you choose to work with us, you get comprehensive support and technical advice, as well as product customization.

Woman paying for product at vending machine using contactless method of payment with mobile phone Woman using new way of payments
McDonald's restaurant

Comparison of display technologies. LCD or OLED in vending machines?

LCD is a technology that is characterized by high brightness and durability. LCD vending machines are cheaper to produce, which translates into lower final costs for the machines. They are also more resistant to image burn-in, which is important if the same content, such as menus or advertisements, is constantly displayed. OLED technology, on the other hand, offers better image quality with higher contrast and more saturated colors. Each pixel in the OLED display emits its own light, resulting in deeper blacks and better color reproduction.

OLED technology is also more energy efficient, as it does not require additional backlighting, as is the case with LCD displays. However, it is worth mentioning that OLED displays are much more expensive than LCD models. They are also characterized by a susceptibility to gradual image burnout, which is related to the natural aging process of the components. So – what to choose? For standard vending machines, we recommend industrial LCD displays, while for more prestigious locations where the quality of content display is important, we recommend OLED displays in vending machines.

The future of industrial displays in vending machines looks promising. Arguably, more emphasis will be placed on improving the image quality and interactivity of the device. OLED technology will gain in popularity due to its excellent contrast and saturated colors, which will improve the visual experience of users. At the same time, the development of microLED displays, which offer high brightness and long life, could revolutionize the market by eliminating image burn-in problems. Displays will be increasingly integrated with interactive features (e.g., displaying product animations) and third-party systems, increasing the appeal of vending machines and their operational efficiency.

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