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OLED displays and their use in various industries: where do they perform best?

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Meet the technology that captures attention for its impressive image quality and versatility. Introducing the OLED display! How does it work and where is it used? Which sectors make the most of their capabilities? We find out more about it below.

The pixels in the OLED display consist of organic light-emitting diodes that are composed of several layers of organic molecules sandwiched between two electrodes. When an electric current is applied, electrons recombine with the holes in organic molecules and release energy in the form of photons.

Use of OLED displays in consumer electronics

High-end cell phones use OLED displays for excellent image quality, vibrant colors, deep blacks and wide viewing angles. This type of display is thin and offers better battery life compared to LCDs. According to Counterpoint Research, nearly 50% of phones sold in 2023 will leverage this technology.

OLED TVs deliver a superior experience. They deliver pure colors, high contrast, perfect blacks and fast response times. The devices are slim and do not require a backlight. LG, Sony and Panasonic are already betting on OLED technology in their premium TVs.

Flexible and curved OLED displays open up new possibilities for smartwatches and virtual reality glasses. Its low power consumption is a huge advantage in devices with limited battery life.

Use of OLED displays in the medical sector

The application of OLED displays in medicine is very visible. They are used to visualize CT, MRI and X-ray results in detail. They are used in the operating room and are driving the advancement of medical informatics.

OLED displays in medicine make it easier for multiple professionals to view images from different angles. They also play a role in portable medical devices: vital sign monitors, pulse oximeters and holters.

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OLED displays in the advertising industry

What is the application of OLED displays in marketing? Advertisements must be displayed with exceptional quality to capture the public’s attention. It is possible to install OLEDs in small spaces, walls and shop windows to save space in transportation or on the street.

OLED displays in marketing are flexible. This opens up a lot of possibilities for creating eye-catching advertisements in shopping malls and events. Its low energy consumption saves costs in the long run.

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Innovative applications of OLED displays in portable devices

Manufacturers integrate OLED displays in consumer electronics because of their superior image quality. The flexibility offered by the technology has given rise to foldable phones that fold in half, examples being the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold and the Huawei Mate X.

Smartwatches and virtual reality glasses benefit from OLED displays because of their thinness. The main examples are the Apple Watch, Samsung Galaxy Watch, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Many quality digital cameras also use OLED electronic viewfinders. These include Sony Alpha, Fujifilm X-T2 and Panasonic Lumix.

Finally, OLED displays provide an immersive experience on streaming media devices (e.g. on Nvidia Shield) thanks to their fast response times.

Impact of OLED displays on the entertainment industry

The application of OLED displays in entertainment offers high contrast ratios. Each pixel emits its own light, allowing precise control over brightness and color. This results in vivid, lifelike images with deep blacks and bright whites that enhance image quality.

OLED displays maintain vivid color when viewed from extreme angles. In addition, they have low response times and high refresh rates. These features give gamers a competitive advantage: they reduce motion blur and provide smooth gameplay.

Each pixel in OLED displays emits its own light and saves energy. The devices run for a decent amount of time without recharging. In addition, not requiring backlighting makes OLED displays thin and flexible. Curved and bendable devices open up new possibilities in the entertainment industry.

Finally, thanks to OLED technology, it is possible to create transparent displays that find use in augmented reality devices.

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