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Unisystem on Embedded World 2019 – report from the fairs

Unisystem on Embedded World 2019 - report from the fairs

The 17th edition of the fairs.

31,000 visitors.

1117 companies from 42 countries.

Embedded World is one of the world`s largest international electronics fairs.
Unisystem took part in this event for the second time.

On our booth, we presented different technologies and solutions among which there was also a zone with e-paper displays. Our guests could see and test displays from E Ink (the undisputed leader of e-paper technology) and controllers designed by engineers from Unisystem. This technology is becoming more and more popular in industrial applications and indeed – we received a lot of questions about possibilities of using e-paper in different projects. We also present solutions that allow easy integration of EPD panels in the end devices.

The visitors` attention was also attracted by the central wall of our stand, on which we presented our new product – UniTouch. This universal capacitive touch panel is another great work of our R&D department. Thanks to its characteristic, it can be used in a wide range of applications, including transport, industrial, IoT etc.

On our stand, there were also displays intended for outdoor applications. This year, our guests could learn about solutions from BOE and Litemax. High brightness, contrast, resistance to meteorological factors and extraordinary durability are the features of perfect modules used, among others in passenger information systems. We also showed displays that have different proportions than the classic 16: 9 ratio and can be used, for example, inside public transport.

We have also not forgotten about the displays of one of our largest business partners – Winstar, which is currently at the forefront of LCD TFT and OLED module manufacturers.

We are happy that there is still a growing interest in dedicated solutions perfectly matched to the project created by the client. Based on our many years of experience, we are happy to help you choose and adapt the appropriate modules, and we support all activities at every stage of the implementation process.

Once again – thank you for visiting our booth.

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