Unisystem » News » Corporate » Thank you for your collaboration in 2024 

Thank you for your collaboration in 2024 

We have been in the market for 29 years, creating solutions that advance our customers’ businesses. In the past year, we have enjoyed implementing many interesting projects that motivate us to seek innovative solutions, expanding our technological know-how.    

As the holiday season approaches, we wish you a healthy, peaceful, and joyful Christmas and prosperity in the New Year! Your trust means a lot to us, so thank you for all the projects we worked on together in 2024.

Below are the highlights of our company’s operations during the holiday season:  
December 24, 2024 (Christmas Eve) we are working until 1:00 pm.
On December 25 and 26, 2024, the company is closed.
On December 27-30, 2024, we are conducting an inventory in our warehouse – these days, there are no shipments. We will catch up with the backlog on December 31, 2024.    

Thank you for being with us! We look forward to more joint ventures in 2025, so our motivation will grow daily!  
Unisystem team

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