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A new dimension of the Embedded World 2021 Digital

A new dimension of the Embedded World 2021 Digital

Embedded World 2021 Digital is going to start on March 1. For the first time in history, it will be held only online and last up to 5 days! It will also be our debut at the event in this format, so… fingers crossed.

We are looking forward to meeting (even virtually) with our new, as well as current business partners and clients. We know that the digital form of the event brings some limitations but also great opportunities. We are ready to show our products to a broad audience from around the world. And we have to admit that recently we were swamped with work…

First of all – we will present a new, upgraded version of our e-paper module created in cooperation with E Ink. This solution is a great opportunity, especially for companies that did not have sufficiently developed their resources – both human and technological (hardware). Thanks to our RnD department, we solved many problems related to implementing fragile e-paper displays in end devices. We believe that it will help e-paper technology grow and become more prevalent in public spaces and many different applications.

Also, we will tell you more about new products from our suppliers, like:

  • atypical formats perfect for advertising content (including square and round displays by Litemax and AUO),
  • stretched displays for transport applications,
  • high brightness LCD-TFT displays for digital signage, and also industrial automation,
  • various OLED displays by Winstar,
  • industrial computers by Advantech, e.g., ARK series.

We did not forget about solutions tailored to the client’s specific requirements, e.g., personalized HMI module created from scratch at Unisystem. Our representatives will be happy to share their experience and tell you about our work, finding solutions to the typical problems in implementation processes. They will give you some tips and tricks on how to avoid them. You might also be interested in the antimicrobial coatings that are becoming a new standard in touch displays installed in public spaces, e.g., offices, airports, or restaurants.

Despite the online format of the event, registration is necessary. Contact us to get your free ticket and meet our team at the beginning of March at Embedded World 2021 Digital. After registering your voucher, you will be able to schedule a meeting with U-team members from the sales, project, and RnD departments. We will be pleased to present the possibilities of cooperation on your project.

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