Development Kits

We offer a wide range of accessories from well-known manufacturers in both software and hardware.

Unisystem » Touch panel accessories » Development Kits

We offer a wide range of accessories from well-known manufacturers in both software and hardware.


    The e-paper board is designed by our R & D department and can be used as:

    • A test platform for Holitech displays –the 32-bit STM32F031C6T6 microcontroller with the ARM Cortex-M0 core makes possible programming and comprehensive testing of e-paper displays. The programmer has at his disposal one freely configurable button. The button is connected to one of the GPIO port pins of the mounted microcontroller, so the programmer chooses the way in which it operates. Programming is conducted via SWD connector – a standard for the STM32 microcontrollers family.
    • Display control board with an external microcontroller – E-paper Compact Board has installed all needd components for the proper operation of the e-paper display. Primarily, these are elements of the charge pump which is necessary to refresh the display’s content. Disassembly of jumpers R4 ÷ R9 and R11 disconnects the display from the built-in microcontroller and enables to use the demo board as a breakout board. Signals necessary to control a display are then led to the P1 gold connector. Such solution enables controlling the display by an external microcontroller while the built device is in the prototype phase.

    Compact board for E-paper displays




    The e-paper board is designed by our R & D department and can be used as:

    • A test platform for Holitech displays –the 32-bit STM32F031C6T6 microcontroller with the ARM Cortex-M0 core makes possible programming and comprehensive testing of e-paper displays. The programmer has at his disposal one freely configurable button. The button is connected to one of the GPIO port pins of the mounted microcontroller, so the programmer chooses the way in which it operates. Programming is conducted via SWD connector – a standard for the STM32 microcontrollers family.
    • Display control board with an external microcontroller – E-paper Compact Board has installed all needd components for the proper operation of the e-paper display. Primarily, these are elements of the charge pump which is necessary to refresh the display’s content. Disassembly of jumpers R4 ÷ R9 and R11 disconnects the display from the built-in microcontroller and enables to use the demo board as a breakout board. Signals necessary to control a display are then led to the P1 gold connector. Such solution enables controlling the display by an external microcontroller while the built device is in the prototype phase.

    Compact board for E-paper displays



  • Programmer/Debugger for STM8 and STM32 microcontrollers


    Programmer/Debugger for STM8 and STM32 microcontrollers



  • Break Out Board 36

    Break Out Board 36 was designed for displays with SSD1963 controllers. It has two connectors:

    • CN2 – 36 pin ZIF connector, for connecting display module via 150 mm FFC
    • CN1 – 36 pin IDC connector, for connecting users free cables

    Break-out bord with 36 pins for TFT displays with FT8xx controllers



  • Break Out Board 20

    Break Out Board 20 was designed for displays with FT80x and FT81x controllers. It has two connectors:

    • CN2 – 20 pin ZIF connector, for connecting display module via 150 mm FFC
    • CN1 – 20 pin IDC connector, for connecting users free cables

    Break-out bord with 20 pins for TFT displays with FT8xx controllers



  • Arduino Riverdi TFT Shield

    Arduino Riverdi TFT Shield was made to expand Arduino capabilities. It allows convenient connection of Riverdi TFT displays with FT8xx controllers familly to Arduino.

    Ardurino Riverdi TFT Shield includes:

    • multiple display pin headers
    • external speaker connection
    • MicroSD card slot
    • backlight power supply selection jumper
    • Reset button
    • FPC adapter to IDC connector 2.54mm

    Shield to expand Arduino capabilities



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