OLED Graphic

Our Taiwanese partner, Winstar, specializes in modern Longlife OLED displays that differ significantly from popular LCD models. Contrary to standard LCD screens, high-class graphic OLED displays do not require backlighting – pixels are the source of light emitted in the appropriate color. As a result, the displayed content is clear, the background is perfectly black and the contrast is very high. Graphical OLED Winstar displays available in Unisystem’s offer present short messages in several colors: yellow, white, blue and green. The extensive offer consists of devices of various sizes and proportions, which will certainly meet the tasks set before them.

Extremely thin displays clearly and legibly present graphic and sign messages in a wide temperature range. They are used in mobile devices, RTV and household appliances, POS devices and in the broadly understood industry

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OLED graphic displays – with or without a capacitive touch panel

OLED graphic displays can be equipped with a capacitive touch panel, which is currently one of the most popular solutions in interactive screen technology. The capacitive touch panel is characterized by high sensitivity and precision of response to touch, which makes it an ideal complement to advanced OLED displays. The above-mentioned technology is based on the use of an electric field that is generated under the surface of the touch glass. When the user touches the screen, a local change in electrical capacitance occurs, which is recorded by the sensor and transferred to the device’s processor to determine the position of the touch point. Thanks to this, capacitive screens can precisely register touch even from very small areas, and also support gestures such as sliding, zooming or rotating, which significantly enriches the interaction with the device. We also sell OLED graphic displays without a touch panel.

OLED graphic displays – for self-service checkouts, for displaying weather information, warnings

The graphic displays from Winstar that we offer are used in various industries. They can be used both indoors and outdoors, because they withstand changing weather conditions very well. OLED graphic displays are commonly used in industrial machines, consumer electronics, home applications, POS systems, audiovisual systems and medical equipment. They can also enhance road infrastructure.

Graphic OLED displays – Winstar as a synonym for the highest quality

We offer graphic OLED displays from the renowned Winstar brand, which operates on a global scale and specializes in the production of this type of devices. The aforementioned company provides a wide range of standard passive matrix OLED (PMOLED) displays and custom-made devices – OLED alphanumeric displays, OLED panels and OLED graphic displays. Passive matrix displays are used in the production of e-cigarettes, household appliances, audio devices, sewing machines, counters, DJ mixers and in car interiors.

Winstar is a brand valued by investors and contractors for the innovation and reliability of OLED displays, which are used in various industries – from heavy industry, through consumer electronics, to medicine. Winstar is distinguished by a wide range of display resolutions and sizes, which allows for their flexible adaptation to specific customer needs. The company strives to continuously improve the technology and quality of its products, while providing solid technical support. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our wide range of Winstar OLED graphic displays. We will be happy to help you choose the right device and help you implement it in any system.

Winstar graphic OLED displays – available resolutions

Available resolutions for Winstar graphic OLED displays are:

  • 50×16
  • 100×8
  • 100×16
  • 100×32
  • 200×16
  • 96×64
  • 128×32
  • 128×64
  • 128×128
  • 256×64

These modules are available in COB and COG mechanical structures and support a variety of interfaces, including parallel, serial, and I2C.OLED modules are powered by 3V or 5V depending on the screen resolution.


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