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Data transmission – technical and business aspects

Data transmission – how do devices communicate and how to exploit the potential of transmitted information?

Data transmission plays a key role in modern business, enabling communication between a variety of devices and systems. Effective digital information transfer is the foundation of modern business operations and the integration of various technologies.

Technical aspect of data transmission

Data transmission is the transfer of information between two points using different technologies. There are several types:

  • Point-to-point transmission – a direct connection between two devices.
  • Point-to-multipoint transmission – connection between multiple devices using an intermediary device.

Both fixed cable links (e.g., fiber optics) and wireless technologies (Wi-Fi, cellular networks) are used for data transmission. It is a key solution in many sectors:

  • Industrial screens – content transmission, remote monitoring.
  • POS systems – integration with headquarters, transmission of sales data.
  • Retail – screens and digital signage systems, cameras, RFID readers.
  • Smart devices – communication and status monitoring.
  • Industry 4.0 – transmitting measurement data from sensors.
  • Electric vehicles – on-board system communication.

The development of mobile technologies (4G/5G) has greatly increased the possibilities of wireless data transmission thanks to high bandwidths reaching up to several Gbps. This is groundbreaking for applications such as the Internet of Things. Fixed (wired) transmission, on the other hand, ensures the highest stability of critical systems. As Unisystem, we are Europe’s leading supplier of displays for IoT

What are the types of data transmission?

There are two basic types of data transmission:

Wired transmission

It uses a physical medium to transmit data, e.g. copper cables, fiber optics. It provides high stability and transmission reliability.

Examples of wired transmission:

  • LAN networks – structured cabling in office buildings (UTP cables, fiber optics).
  • WAN links – fiber optics connecting remote company locations.
  • PLC technology – using the electrical system for data transmission.
  • Industrial buses – transmission in industrial automation systems.

Advantages: high stability and reliability, high throughput, very low latency.

Disadvantages: need to install cabling, less flexibility than wireless solutions.

Wireless transmission

It uses radio waves to transmit data without installing cables. It provides mobility, but the transfer is less stable.

Examples of wireless transmission:

  • WLAN (Wi-Fi) networks – in offices, warehouses and other locations.
  • Mobile networks (2G/3G/4G/5G) – mobile access.
  • Bluetooth, NFC and others – communication over short distances.
  • Satellite networks – in hard-to-reach locations.

Advantages: ease of installation, mobility of users.

Disadvantages: less stable connection, higher latency, susceptibility to interference.

Data transmission in business

Efficient information transfer is critical to business efficiency and business decision-making.

With data transmission, companies can monitor processes, automate procedures and integrate systems in real time. This speeds up order processing, improves logistics and supply chain, and increases customer satisfaction through prompt service. Transmission is the foundation of modern cloud, e-commerce and business intelligence solutions.

Most important business applications

  • Integration of ERP, CRM, MES, PLM systems.
  • Real-time data caching and processing.
  • Rapid analysis of large data sets (Big Data).
  • Transfer of documents, production orders, etc.
  • Remote monitoring of processes and machines.
  • Flexible mobile access to company resources.

Efficient and secure data transfer minimizes the risk of financial losses due to system downtime and customer service disruptions. This is a key investment that is sure to pay off in the form of a measurable ROI.

Security and data transmission management

Due to the confidentiality of much business information, the issue of data transmission security is extremely important. Among others, the following are used for protection:

  • Encryption (SSL, TLS, VPN) – secures data during transfer.
  • Authentication – restricts access only to authorized individuals.
  • Firewalls – protect against unauthorized access from the outside.
  • Monitoring – detecting anomalies and security violations.
  • Security audits – regular checks for vulnerabilities and threats.

This makes it possible to securely transmit confidential business data, customer data or sensitive information over the public telecommunications infrastructure. This minimizes the risk of cyberattacks and data leaks.

At the same time, it is important to manage transmission to optimize the use of available resources. This includes, among others. monitoring network traffic, prioritizing key applications, and increasing bandwidth as needed.

Cost and optimization of data transmission

For mobile transmission, it is important to manage the use of data packets to minimize costs. Optimization options

  • Choosing the right package in terms of the required transfer.
  • Switching to Wi-Fi where possible.
  • Disable automatic updates on mobile data.
  • Using lighter applications, streaming content at lower quality.
  • Monitoring data consumption, increasing the package as needed.

This allows the company to maintain control over mobile transmission spending and avoid unnecessary additional overage charges.

At the same time, fixed cable and wireless transmission based on the company’s Wi-Fi infrastructure reduces these costs with more unlimited resources.

What are the benefits of efficient data transmission?

Efficient communication of systems and devices in a company through modern data transmission solutions brings a number of benefits:

  • Faster execution of business processes – data is available immediately to all systems.
  • Lower operating costs – less manual effort, information flow is automated.
  • Improve employee productivity – quick access to needed information via mobile devices.
  • Better customer service – faster turnaround time for inquiries thanks to high-speed web applications.
  • New analytics capabilities – fast access to large data sets (Big Data) for BI and reporting.
  • Simpler solution integration – efficient communication between different IT systems.

With data transmission, companies can access critical information where it is needed. This allows you to make better business decisions and respond faster to customer needs. It’s definitely an investment that will pay off in tangible benefits.


Efficient and secure data transmission is essential for seamless communication between devices and systems in modern business. It is worthwhile to ensure that the right infrastructure is in place to suit your needs and that integrated solutions are in place to ensure the security of sensitive information. This is a key investment that is sure to translate into real benefits for the company.


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