DLD1566-I – Industrial monitor from Litemax Co.

DLD1566-I is 15.6-inch industrial monitor with 1920×1080 resolution (any view) from Litemax Co., without TFT controller, interface: LVDS, DVI-I, DP and VGA. The module is equipped with an Edge LED backlight, LED inverter, an AD Board and local dimming. The display characterizes with a brightness of 1200 cd/m_, a static contrast ratio of 1000:1 and an ability to work in the industrial temperature range (-30~70°C).

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Size (inch)15.6
Aspect ratio16:9
Brightness (cd/m²)1200
Viewing Direction6:00, 12:00, Full
InterfaceDP, DVI-I
Touch PanelNone
Active area (mm)344.16x193.59
Outline Dimensions (mm)369x221.1x40.2
Operating temp. (°C)-30~70
Storage temp. (°C)-40~70
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