
GRN-GLS11. – System On Module by Grinn

GRN-GLS11. System On Module (SOM) by Grinn is equipped with single core i.MX6UL processor. Computer has also 256 MB RAM DDR3, 2GB eMMC and RGB interface. The module operates on Linux and may work within industrial temperature range.
Grinn creates highly integrated multi-purpose solutions. The module is optimized for high performance energy efficient processing and may be a part of a variety of applications – embedded, automotive, industrial and consumer. SOM by Grinn is an application-rich system with real-time responsiveness.


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CPUi.MX6UL Cortex-A7
Operating SystemLinux
PortsADC - 4, CAN - 2, Ethernet - 2, I²C - 4, I²S - 3, RGB - 1, SPI - 4, UART - 8, USB - 2

Industrial operating temperature range


This module can operate in a stable and failure-free way for a long period within wide range of temperatures. Thanks to such option, it may be successfully applied e.g. in transportation and automotive industry.

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