
ENG-START.CORE MX6Q.2G.4G – System On Module by Engicam

ENG-START.CORE.MX6Q.2G.4G System On Module (SOM) by Engicam is equipped with quad core i.MX6Q processor. Computer has also 2 GB RAM DDR3, 4GB eMMC and RGB , LVDS , HDMI interface. The module operates on Linux, Android and may work within industrial temperature range.
Engicam creates highly integrated multi-purpose solutions. The module is optimized for high performance energy efficient processing and may be a part of a variety of applications – embedded, automotive, industrial and consumer. SOM by Engicam is an application-rich system with real-time responsiveness.

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CPUi.MX6Q Cortex A9
InterfaceHDMI, LVDS, RGB
Operating SystemAndroid, Linux
PortsCAN - 2, Ethernet - 1, HDMI - 1, LVDS - 2, RGB - 1, SDIO - 2x4bit, UART - 3, USB - 4

Industrial operating temperature range


This module can operate in a stable and failure-free way for a long period within wide range of temperatures. Thanks to such option, it may be successfully applied e.g. in transportation and automotive industry.

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