WLEP02566400DGAAASA00 – Winstar Longlife OLED graphic display module

Unisystem » Products » WLEP02566400DGAAASA00 – Winstar Longlife OLED graphic display module

Longlife OLED graphic display module WLEP02566400DGAAASA00 is Winstar Co. OLED of 256×64, COG type (Chip on Glass) and has light blue color of displayed content. The module is equipped with STM32F750 controller that enables using the following interfaces: CAN bus


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Content ColorSky Blue
Module typeCOG - Chip on Glass
InterfaceCAN bus
Voltage3V, 3.3V
Touch PanelNone
Outline Dimensions (mm)146.0x45.0x2.05
Operating temp. (°C)-20~70
Storage temp. (°C)-30~80

Industrial operating temperature range


This module can operate in a stable and failure-free way for a long period within wide range of temperatures. Thanks to such option, it may be successfully applied e.g. in transportation and automotive industry.

High contrast

The main difference between LCD and OLED technology is a matter of light generating. Standard LCD panel requires backlight to illuminate its pixels and thus displayed image. Whereas in OLED technology, pixels themselves are a source of emitted in appropriate color light.

LCD module backlight causes that obtained blackness is never perfect because part of the light breaks through the matrix. This feature becomes particularly clear in a dark room. On the other hand, OLED technology makes possible complete disconnection of selected pixels, so that the cell emits 0 cd/m2 achieving an effect of perfect blackness. Perfect blackness and comparable to LCD brightness result in much higher contrast and readability. Depending on the external lighting, static contrast of OLED screen is from 2000: 1 to infinity, reaching the highest possible value in today's technology.

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