TC48480C040-06WTC Smart LCD-TFT from DWIN T5L0 ASIC

Unisystem » Products » TC48480C040-06WTC Smart LCD-TFT from DWIN T5L0 ASIC

The TC48480C040-06WTC Smart LCD-TFT from DWIN T5L0 ASIC offers a sophisticated display solution with a compact 4-inch screen and a sharp 480×480 resolution. Its 1:1 aspect ratio and 250 cd/m² brightness ensure vibrant visuals from any angle, thanks to its full viewing direction capability.
This smart display uses an RS485 interface, allowing for seamless integration into diverse systems.
Designed for reliability, it operates efficiently within a temperature range of -10°C to 60°C and can be stored between -20°C and 70°C.
With an active area of 71.86×70.18 mm and outline dimensions of 84.4×84.4 mm, it is engineered for precision without a mounting frame.
Perfect for applications where clarity and compactness are paramount, this display is an ideal choice for industrial and commercial environments requiring robust and efficient visual interfaces.


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Size (inch)4
Aspect ratio1:1
Brightness (cd/m²)250
Viewing DirectionFull
Mounting FrameNo
Active area (mm)71.86x70.18
Outline Dimensions (mm)84.4x84.4
Operating temp. (°C)-10~60
Storage temp. (°C)-20~70

Industrial operating temperature range


This module can operate in a stable and failure-free way for a long period within wide range of temperatures. Thanks to such option, it may be successfully applied e.g. in transportation and automotive industry.

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