TC041C11W04 Smart LCD-TFT from DWIN wifi

Unisystem » Products » TC041C11W04 Smart LCD-TFT from DWIN wifi

The TC041C11W04 Smart LCD-TFT from DWIN is an advanced display solution designed to enhance your interactive experiences. Featuring a 4.1-inch capacitive touchscreen, this smart display offers vibrant colors and crisp visuals, making it ideal for both industrial and consumer applications. With integrated Wi-Fi connectivity, the TC041C11W04 enables seamless communication and data transfer, allowing for effortless integration into IoT ecosystems. The robust design ensures durability and reliability in various environments, while the intuitive interface supports rapid development and deployment. Elevate your projects with this cutting-edge, user-friendly smart display from DWIN.


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Size (inch)4.1
Aspect ratio1:1
Brightness (cd/m²)250
Viewing DirectionFull
Mounting FrameNo
Active area (mm)73.98x73.98
Outline Dimensions (mm)88.0x88.0
Operating temp. (°C)0~50
Storage temp. (°C)-30~70
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