DMG10600T101_09WTC Smart LCD-TFT from DWIN with T5L controller

Unisystem » Products » DMG10600T101_09WTC Smart LCD-TFT from DWIN with T5L controller

DMG10600T101_09WTC is a 10.1-inch high-brightness display module from DWIN, boasting a 550 cd/m² output and 1024×600 resolution. Designed for industrial use, this module supports WiFi, USB, and serial interfaces and offers excellent durability with UV protection and conformal coating. It’s suitable for environments requiring a rugged and reliable display, operating between 0°C and 50°C.


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Size (inch)10.1
Aspect ratio16:9
Brightness (cd/m²)550
Viewing Direction6:00, 12:00
InterfaceIIC, RGB, RS232, TTL/CMOS
Mounting FrameYes
Active area (mm)222.72x125.30
Outline Dimensions (mm)236.00x144.00
Operating temp. (°C)0~50
Storage temp. (°C)-20~60

Full observation angles

Full observation angles

Using an IPS/MVA (or a variation thereof) matrix, the display is readable from all angles. There is no grayscale inversion effect that characterizes popular TN matrices. Also, the decrease in contrast when increasing the viewing angle is much lower.

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