
EC312TT2 – E Ink’s e-paper display

The EPD E Ink EC312TT2 display has a resolution of 1280×720, 47 dpi, the displayed content has 4096 colors.
The display is also available in a version with a controller .
E Ink is famous for producing the highest quality e-paper displays, and is one of the largest and most recognized manufacturers of EPD modules in the world, as well as a pioneer in the development of technology related to electronic ink (E Ink).
Products created using the revolutionary E Ink technology are sunlight readable, and do not need a backlight or electricity to support the image.
In addition, they have high contrast, low power consumption and a thin and lightweight form.
These solutions are being used in the industrial and consumer applications market to create products such as e-book readers, electronic pricing, watches, information devices and banners.

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Size (inch)31.2
Colors4096 Colors
Active Area691.2x388.8
Outline Dimensions697.2x402.8x0.805
Operating temp. (°C)0~50
Storage temp. (°C)-25~70
ManufacturerE Ink

Unlimited viewing angles


EPD displays do not have a liquid-crystal matrix which limits the viewing angles to a certain extent. Thanks to the technology used (adjustable capsules with multi-color ink), e-paper makes the illusion that the content is printed on its surface. Watching EPD at any angle is virtually no different than viewing printed sheet of paper.

Holds image without power consumption


EPD (Electronic Paper Display) technology is defined as bistable. This means that each e-paper matrix cell may occur in one of two available states and no electrical energy is required to maintain displayed content, e.g. cells in black-and-white display arrange in a way to display black (state ‘0’) or white (state ‘1’) color. Energy is only needed to change the cells position, simplifying - to change the display image. Thanks to this feature, EPD technology is a perfect solution in applications where content is changed relatively rarely (e.g. e-prices, e-timetables, e-readers, smart watches and more).

Ultra low power consumption

low power

Exceptionally low power consumption of e-paper displays in comparison to standard LCD TFT modules results from the two characteristics of this technology. Firstly, EPD (Electronic Paper Display) does not require backlight what significantly reduces energy consumption. Secondly, e-paper consumes electricity only when changing the displayed content. It is a significant advantage over LCDs (the displayed content needs a continuous power supply in order to be visible) when it comes to energy efficiency.

Excellent sunlight readability

E-paper displays, like the real paper, are perfectly legible in the sunlight. This property is due to their design and applied technology. The EPD (Electronic Paper Display) is a reflective display which means that it reflects light from the environment. The brighter the exterior, the more clearly the human eye perceives the displayed content. It can be assumed that if the image on standard paper is readable under the lighting conditions, then on e-paper also.

Ultra thin


EPD (Electronic Paper Display) technology does not require backlight. This feature affects the thickness of the entire module - in some models it is even less than 1 mm. Modern ultrathin displays are much more convenient and versatile in design and assembly, providing a result consistent with the latest industrial design and trends.

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