Unisystem » Manufacturers » SGD

Solomon Goldentek Display Corp. (SGD) is a well-known company with an established position in the global electronics industry. The company specializes in the production of high-quality LCD TFT and Mono LCM displays. The company was founded in 1989 in Taiwan. Its main assumptions are constant development so as to maintain the trend of continuous improvement of the quality of the offered assortment and constant expansion of the offer based on design and production using the best components. The advanced technology in which the company specializes is a guarantee that even the most demanding recipients will finally receive top-class equipment.

SGD can boast of obtaining prestigious certificates such as ISO 9001, ISO14001, TS16949, RoHS and REACH, which proves that it meets high production standards and is reflected in the range and services offered.

SGD operates on the basis of the management model called “ABC”:

A – ACT IN CONCERT: a fundamental aspect of the company’s operation that serves to increase work efficiency

B – BRING OUT INNOVATION: ensuring continuous motivation and the pursuit of excellence

C – CREATIVE AHEAD STEP: allows you to be a leader in the industry despite being highly competitive

SGD is also a supplier of customized products. Professional staff and experienced engineers ensure that non-standard customer requirements are met. The company aims to be a leader in this field by designing, manufacturing and delivering small to medium size displays that are tailored to the individual needs of customers.

More detailed information can be found on the manufacturer’s website at or by contacting our technical department.

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