
WG320240BX-TFH-VZ# – Graphic LCD display from Winstar Co.

Graphic LCD display module, COB type (Chip On Board) WG19264A-TFH-VZ# from Winstar Co. with 320×240 resolution, white background color and black content. LCD matrix is a positive FSTN with transflective polarizer. The display allows the use of 6800/8080 interface. The module has S1D13700 controller.


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Content ColorBlack
Background ColorWhite
Viewing Direction6:00
LCD TypeFSTN Positive
Polarizer TypeTransflective
Interface6800, 8080
Active Area127.17x33.89
Outline Dimensions180.0x60.0x12.2
Operating temp. (°C)-20~70
Storage temp. (°C)-30~80
Special5V power supply, Inbuilt voltage generator

Industrial operating temperature range


This module can operate in a stable and failure-free way for a long period within wide range of temperatures. Thanks to such option, it may be successfully applied e.g. in transportation and automotive industry.

COG (Chip on glass)

Displays with Chip on Glass characterize with smaller thickness of all outer dimensions and thanks to more hermetic construction they are tighter and more shock-resistant. Additionally, they are more price-attractive and have lower power consumption.

Inbuilt voltage generator

Apart from controller’s logic voltage supply, to obtain a suitable contrast the display requires an additional voltage. Thanks to an inbuilt voltage generator, there is no need to supply the display with outer voltage.

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