
WEO160128BWPP3N00000 – Graphic OLED display from Winstar Co.

WEO160128B is a 160×128 COG graphic OLED display module with a diagonal size of 1.92 inches. This model is built-in with CH1120 IC, supporting 6800/8080 parallel interfaces, I2C, and 4-wire SPI serial interfaces. The supply voltage for logic is 3V, the supply voltage for display is 12V, and it supports 4-bit grayscale. The OLED module has a high contrast ratio of 10,000:1(typical value) and a resolution of 160×128 dots.

This OLED module is suitable for medical applications, smart home applications, intelligent building systems (home and office), control panels for lighting or heating, smartwatches, and fitness watches. It can operate at temperature range from -40℃ to +80℃; its storage temperature range is from -40℃ to +85℃.


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Content ColorWhite
Interface6800, 8080, I²C, SPI
Module typeCOG - Chip on Glass
Outline Dimensions (mm)34.5x48.8x1.41
Operating temp. (°C)-40~80

Industrial operating temperature range


This module can operate in a stable and failure-free way for a long period within wide range of temperatures. Thanks to such option, it may be successfully applied e.g. in transportation and automotive industry.

High contrast

The main difference between LCD and OLED technology is a matter of light generating. Standard LCD panel requires backlight to illuminate its pixels and thus displayed image. Whereas in OLED technology, pixels themselves are a source of emitted in appropriate color light.

LCD module backlight causes that obtained blackness is never perfect because part of the light breaks through the matrix. This feature becomes particularly clear in a dark room. On the other hand, OLED technology makes possible complete disconnection of selected pixels, so that the cell emits 0 cd/m2 achieving an effect of perfect blackness. Perfect blackness and comparable to LCD brightness result in much higher contrast and readability. Depending on the external lighting, static contrast of OLED screen is from 2000: 1 to infinity, reaching the highest possible value in today's technology.

COG (Chip on glass)

Displays with Chip on Glass characterize with smaller thickness of all outer dimensions and thanks to more hermetic construction they are tighter and more shock-resistant. Additionally, they are more price-attractive and have lower power consumption.

Fast response time

OLED screens characterize with faster response time in comparison to LCD matrixes. LCD display reaction time is in range between a few to even several hundred milliseconds and results from liquid crystal properties. On the other hand, the response time of OLED modules is less than 10 μs. LCD response time rapidly grows in below-zero temperatures and it may even cause a complete stop of displayed content or at least ghosting. OLED displays do not have this failure and run at full speed even in temperature of -40 °C.

Full viewing angles

In OLED displays each pixel emits individually light just by the surface, so that the displayed image is completely readable from any viewing angle. To compare, in LCD technology light-emitting layer is located from below and on this layer, there is applied light transmissive and color filtering matrix. Created in such display image characterize with very good optical parameters only when you look at it from right angle. Any different viewing angle results in lower light transmission. This causes a visible deterioration of image quality that is reflected in brightness and contrast decrease.

Built-in fonts

All standard Winstar OLED displays have built-in 4 sets of fonts: English, European, Japanese and Cyrillic. Thanks to usage of many languages, this solution extends the range of applications on various markets. Selected characters from the extended set of fonts can also be used by application developers as icons. Additionally, embedded fonts significantly speed up applications development in graphic displays. There is no need to design and program own fonts as user can just choose and apply a suitable one.

Long liveliness

The history of OLED displays is relatively short. Initially, the main drawback of this technology was a short life span of OLED cells (especially for blue color) which significantly narrowed scope of applications. Conducted research eliminated this obstacle. Currently, contrary to popular beliefs and myths, OLED technology is so refined that it can be successfully used in industrial applications. At present, OLED displays surpass LCD modules in all respect and their liveliness varies from 50 000 to 110 000 hours (depending on the color).

Low power consumption

Thanks to using special organic material, OLED technology enables automatic generation of light. OLED panel does not require backlight and consumes only as much energy as need lit at the time pixels. With this solution, the average OLED power consumption is much lower in comparison to LCD panel with standard backlight.

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