TC070C22U00 Smart LCD-TFT from DWIN T5L2 ASIC

Unisystem » Products » TC070C22U00 Smart LCD-TFT from DWIN T5L2 ASIC

TC070C22U00 is a 7-inch IPS display module with 1024×600 resolution from DWIN. Based on the T5L ASIC, it features capacitive touch screen, built-in speaker, and RTC. With 250nit brightness and RS485 interface, it runs on either DGUS II or TA system. The unit operates in an industrial temperature range of -20°C to 60°C, making it versatile for various applications.


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Size (inch)7
Aspect ratio16:9
Brightness (cd/m²)250
Viewing DirectionFull
Mounting FrameNo
Active area (mm)153.7x85.2
Outline Dimensions (mm)193.0x118.0
Operating temp. (°C)-20~60
Storage temp. (°C)-30~70

Industrial operating temperature range


This module can operate in a stable and failure-free way for a long period within wide range of temperatures. Thanks to such option, it may be successfully applied e.g. in transportation and automotive industry.

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