HDW070-008LZ01 LCD-TFT display from DWIN with HDMI interface

HDW070_008LZ01 is a 7-inch LCD-TFT display module with 800×480 resolution from DWIN. It supports HDMI, USB interfaces and offers a brightness of 800 cd/m². The module operates in an industrial temperature range of -20~70°C.


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Size (inch)7
Aspect ratio5:3
Brightness (cd/m²)800
InterfaceHDMI, USB
Mounting FrameNo
Active Area154.08x85.92
Outline Dimensions165.0x100.0
Operating temp. (°C)-20~70
Storage temp. (°C)-30~80

Industrial operating temperature range


This module can operate in a stable and failure-free way for a long period within wide range of temperatures. Thanks to such option, it may be successfully applied e.g. in transportation and automotive industry.

Full observation angles

Full observation angles

Using an IPS/MVA (or a variation thereof) matrix, the display is readable from all angles. There is no grayscale inversion effect that characterizes popular TN matrices. Also, the decrease in contrast when increasing the viewing angle is much lower.

High brightness

High brightness

High brightness of the image (high brightness) is a feature that is extremely useful when the display is in bright sunlight. With this functionality, the content displayed is fully readable by the user. High Brightness displays can be successfully used, for example, in exhibitions, kiosks, on trains and buses, as digital signage, or as part of other outdoor solutions.

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