
Unisystem » Manufacturers » Litemax

As one of the key suppliers in the market, Litemax offers a wide range of products among which are:

Litemax is a Taiwanese company founded in 2000 that is not only a market leader in sunlight readable high brightness displays. With a wealth of experience in resizing, customizing, and industrial computing, Litemax has developed standards for industrial displays, digital signage, and embedded computing that enable the creation of intelligent platforms in specialized industries around the world.

The wide spectrum and high quality of products allow you to create ultra-efficient applications for Digital SIgnage and embedded computers. The company has a strong position as a supplier of Digital Signage systems. Litemax displays have been successfully implemented in many projects, including in industrial television systems, multimedia monitors, ATM Kiosk, outdoor advertising and information points. Litemax displays are used on large advertising walls, in boats, buses and military equipment.

In 2006, Litemax merged with WynMax – a well-known IPC manufacturer. This connection allows the integration of additional technologies in the field of industrial computers. Consolidated companies offer industrial motherboards, PCs, box PCs and other industrial IT solutions.

Spanpixel â„¢ – custom sizes of LCD displays

Litemax has become a world pioneer and leader in solutions for resizing LCD images. The company learned how to efficiently trim glass, polarizers, circuits and PCBs to a new size without losing their original performance. Spanpixel displays have a non-standard aspect ratio (panoramic shape) and are available in sizes from 6 “to 49”.

Durapixel â„¢ – sunlight readable LCD displays

The name of the line comes from the word “durability”. Durapixel displays are created using technology that ensures high brightness and long MTBF lifetime (over 70,000 hours). They are perfect for demanding environments.

Navpixel â„¢ – offshore computerization

Navpixel is a series of displays and panel PCs adapted to work in marine conditions. They have a solid structure, a wide temperature range and are waterproof (IP65 / 68 certified). Navpixel displays are ideal for use in submarines, yachts and other marine structures guaranteeing high quality and excellent results.

Panel modular computers

The modular Panel PC solution is a flexible and economical way to integrate fanless box PCs and LCD displays. The solution includes all the key elements – a rugged, ultra-thin, fanless box PC, a monitor (built-in or in a ready-made housing), connecting elements and the required software.

Panel computers

Litemax panel computers connected with industrial LCD displays with high brightness can be freely adjusted to the selected RuggCore device. Such a solution can be used in the maritime industry, medicine or military applications.

RuggCore â„¢ – Box PCs

Litemax Industrial Computing Division (formerly WynMax Technologies) offers comprehensive RuggCore solutions, i.e. industrial, intelligent box PCs. Products can be customized according to individual needs.

Embedded motherboards

Litemax Industrial Computing Division (formerly WynMax Technologies) has developed a comprehensive motherboard portfolio. The offer includes industrial, advanced motherboards of various shapes. Products can be customized according to individual needs.

More detailed information can be found on the manufacturer’s website at or by contacting our technical department.

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