Unisystem » Manufacturers » DFI



Established in 1981, DFI is a leading provider of high-quality computer technology around the world. With over 33 years of experience, DFI focuses on innovative board design and manufacturing, and system products for applications that require strict control and a long lifetime.

DFI uses the latest technology platforms and manufacturing techniques to create cost-effective products for medical (diagnosis and imaging), ATM / POS, kiosks, industrial control, digital signage, games, and other embedded applications. As an affiliate of the Intel Intelligent Systems Alliance, DFI works closely with Intel to develop next-generation standards.

Strict revision control

DFI attaches great importance to strict revision control and therefore uses the same components throughout the product line. Before any changes are introduced, customers are notified of them and must accept them before they are put into production.

Long product life cycle

DFI guarantees that their products will be available for a minimum period of 5 to 7 years. To minimize the risk of ending the production of a given item, DFI maintains sufficient stock of critical components and sends an EOL (End of Life) notification as soon as the part becomes unavailable (usually 6 months before product removal).

Quality control

DFI has implemented an ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 quality management system together with QC080000 to ensure that customers receive the highest quality products. The process includes a complete evaluation, from functional, environmental and shipping tests to life cycle analysis and reliability testing.

DFI is:

The quality of the project

  • Full validation of the compatibility and electrical correctness of each device
  • Extensive experience in designing x86 and ARM products

Production quality

  • Proven experience: The only manufacturer in the IPC industry with expertise in high volume production
  • 2 production plants
  • 33 years of experience in high-volume production (up to 250,000 per month)
  • ISO 9001, ISO 14001, QC 080000, RoHS, Sony / Epson Green Partner
  • ISO 13485 for the design and production of computers and PCBAs for medical purposes

Service quality

  • Supplier quality testing and monthly audit
  • Embedded OS and API support
  • ODM / OEM service
  • EMS (Electronic Manufacturing Service): service of components and OEM kits

Revision control

  • Revision change notifications sent 3 months in advance
  • Providing customers with SCR / PDR

Quality control

  • Applied ISO standards
  • RMA less than 0.3%!

Long support

  • Life cycle management
  • Inventory and supply chain management

More detailed information can be found on the manufacturer’s website at www.dfi.com or by contacting our technical department.

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