Alphanumeric OLED Displays

Winstar for the leader in the world of OLED displays. A Taiwanese manufacturer after over twenty last fibers, incl. thin advertising boards, displaying advertisements that complement and provide information about displaying information, displaying information about display Moreover, Winstar’s high-quality OLED displays can operate continuously and for a long time in a wide temperature range, so you can support industrial companies. All displays supplemented by supplements complement the requirements for example for different interfaces, 4-bit, 8-bit, SPI or²C).

Winstar offers to display several projects in a show, displaying messages in colors. In addition, each model has 4 font sets: blending, Japanese, and Cyrillic. Uni’s offer includes messages in one, two or two systems on your account.

  • Winstar’s WEH000802ALPP5N00100 Longlife OLED display of COB type (with controller on PCB) has 2 rows of 8 characters each and is characterized by the yellow color of the displayed content. The display is equipped with the WS0010 controller, which allows the use of the following interfaces: 4-bit and 8-bit

    This product is a recommended 1:1 replacement for WEH000802ALPP5N00000!

    Characters x Rows


    Content Color


    Module type

    COB - Chip on Board


    6800, 8080




    3V, 5V

    Active area (mm)


    Operating temp. (°C)


    Storage temp. (°C)




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