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Winstar’s 5-inch LCDs compatible with Raspberry Pi

Winstar’s 5-inch LCDs compatible with Raspberry Pi

On Unisystem’s offer, you can find two 5-inch LCDs by Winstar to connect directlywith Raspberry Pi minicomputers. These solutions can be used in amateur as well as professional applications.

WF50BTIFGDHTV# and WF50BTIFGDHGV# are 5-inch LCDs of 800×480 resolution. For both products, brightness has been estimated on a similar lever – 350 cd/m2 for WF50BTIFGDHTV# and 400 cd/m2 for WF50BTIFGDHGV#. 12 o’clock viewing direction provides optimal readability of presented content in applications, in which screens are placed on or below the sightline. Both products are upgraded with a touch panel. Depending on the designed device, you can choose between a resistive touch panel in WF50BTIFGDHTV# and a capacitive touch panel in WF50BTIFGDHGV#.

In the table, you can find crucial parameters of WF50BTIFGDHTV# and WF50BTIFGDHGV#:

active area108.0 x 64.8 mm108.0 x 64.8 mm
brightness350 cd/m2400 cd/m2
contrast ratio500:1500:1
viewing angle12:0012:00
outline dimensions120.7 x 75.8 x (max)23.0 mm120.7 x 75.8 x (max)23.2 mm
LED life time50 000 h50 000 h
operating temperature-20~70°C-20~70°C
surface treatmentanti-glareglare
touch panelyes, resistiveyes, capacitive

WF50BTIFGDHTV# and WF50BTIFGDHGV# can be operated by Raspberry Pi minicomputers. In both modules, there is a 40-pin GPIO header with an HDMI interface. You only need to purchase an HDMI connector (you can also order an optional component by Winstar – WWHDMI-00#). Both products are compatible with Raspberry Pi microcomputers of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd (via HDMI-HDMI cable) as well as 4th (via HDMI-miniHDMI cable) generations.

The resolution of 800×480 lets you apply WF50BTIFGDHTV# and WF50BTIFGDHGV# in a wide range of devices. They can be used for amateur as well as professional purposes.

Contact us to learn more about WF50BTIFGDHTV# and WF50BTIFGDHGV# by Winstar. 

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