Unisystem » News » Corporate » Board’s statement regarding the Company’s current operation

Board’s statement regarding the Company’s current operation

We care about the health of our Employees and the obligations to our Business Partners. Due to the pandemic of coronavirus, we want to inform you about the range of preventives implemented in our company.

Safety first

In the last days of February, we have introduced the first preventive measures in our company – we provided personal protective equipment for all of our Employees (gloves, face masks, antibacterial gels).

From March 12, we decided to work remotely in all areas where it was possible to reduce the number of direct interactions in the workplace. We suspended all business trips. It was also the opportunity to help our Employees taking care of children. 

We are constantly introducing the guidelines of the National Labor Inspectorate and the Chief Sanitary Inspector, as well as following the ordinance of the state authorities. People who have to work in the office are obliged to check the temperature before entering the building, use protective masks and disposable gloves. We have provided additional training on how to use personal protective equipment correctly and safely.

We reorganize our office so that the workstations are maximally distant from each other. We adhere to keeping the distance between Employees also while talking and moving around the rooms. The company’s premises are additionally disinfected regularly.

Current operations

Administrative restrictions in countries affected by the coronavirus epidemic may increase the delivery time. We monitor the activities of logistics companies and our trading partners on an ongoing basis, making sure that any delays do not affect our current operations.

In this situation, it is possible to extend the time to settle matters in both business and administrative areas. We hope you understand this situation. We do everything to make the changes have the least impact on the pace of orders.

In these challenging times for all of us, we would also like to wish you a peaceful and, above all, healthy Easter. Let the time spent with loved ones be full of warmth, understanding, and empathy.

The Management Board of Unisystem sp.z o.o.

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